KAIROS: A Second Worth Years
Whereas chronos refers to chronological (sequential, ontological, calendar time), kairos signifies a proper or opportune time for action, a window of opportunity, a golden hour.
Imagine a person who is suffocating. He must have oxygen now, or changes in the brain can become irreversible. It does not matter how much oxygen will come in 15 minutes; it must come promptly at a certain amount at a particular time. {ADEQUACY}
Kairos is a fundamental concept in planning. The start of any endeavor—and any project is an endeavor—is the golden hour to think it through, and one good question can save you months or years.
The golden hour in the job-hunting process is also at the very beginning: you must learn as many details as possible about the organization, not only to showcase them at the interview but also to help yourself decide if you want to join it.