The more we know, the more aware we become of our knowledge's boundaries …
INCENTIVE: Some Rabbits Like Carrots
An incentive is a reward meant to encourage effort. To be effective, it must promise to provide something valuable to …
INFORMATION: The Most Subjective Resource
Information that has value for us is a resource …
An initiation criterion is a trigger that makes you prefer spending resources to achieve a particular endpoint to not spending them or …
JANE JUDGES JILL (3J): Jill Judges Jane (3J Still)
Suppose you are not certain that the person giving an opinion is a trustworthy expert willing to share expertise. In that case, you also cannot be sure that her opinion is valuable …
JUST IN CASE: Just in Truly Important Cases
It is a strategy of getting more resources than needed for performance …
KAIROS: A Second Worth Years
Kairos signifies a proper or opportune time for action, a window of opportunity, a golden hour …
KICK-OFF MEETING: A Project’s Liftoff
It is an essential boundary in a project's life to almost ritually separate the project's planning from its execution …
LACK OF MOTIVATION: Six Reasons to Avoid Work
"Lack of motivation" is a dangerously vague euphemism for unwillingness to work. If you or anyone else do not want to work, it happens for one of the following reasons …
LEADER: A Paramedic Approach
We can use the approach grounded in resources, uncertainty, and boundaries to evaluate a leader quickly …
LEADERSHIP SKILLS: How to Judge a Boss
"Leadership skills" is a meaningless open compound word that denotes …
LEAVE TRACKS: To Find Way Forward
The weakest ink is stronger than the strongest memory. As almost everything happens in small increments …
It is a general assumption that something will continue changing linearly in time. Although many phenomena in life will not change linearly …
LIQUIDITY: Ease of Resource Conversion
The liquidity will depend on the number of people wanting your resource …
MAP YOUR DREAM: Likely the Only Way to Fulfill It
A catchphrase, “Follow your dream!” is about pursuing the endpoints of the aspiration tier. Unfortunately, it does not instruct us when we are ready to formulate the dream to follow and how to do it …
MEANINGLESS METRICS: Cargo-Cult Management
They are often used to create an illusion of control for incompetent managers …
MOTIVATION THEORIES: All Wrong and All Useful
There is no single right one, yet each theory can give us a glimpse into what motivates some people to do some work …
NEED-TO-KNOW: No More than That
It is a concept describing the restriction of sensitive data. Under need-to-know restrictions, even if a person has all the approvals …